Work Placement Is Done!

Yet again, I disappeared from my blog, but I’m back once more! I’ve really nothing exciting to talk about so I find it hard to think of some interesting things to write about.

But, after a long long time waiting, I finally completed my work placement! In my healthcare course, we have to do a minimum of 60 hours work work experience in a healthcare facility for being a HCA (Healthcare Assistant), but with Covid and all, our due dates were moved from November to January. Then it was postponed again until March. Thankfully we all got out then in March and I was really apprehensive about it.

My placement was in a small nursing home in a small town about 15 minutes drive from where I live, so it was very handy to get there. On Sunday I went to get a Covid test, and if it was negative, then I could start on Tuesday. So Tuesday came and I was quite nervous. I didn’t have a clue what to expect whatsoever, so it was very overwhelming. Thankfully pretty much all the staff members were so nice (apart from 1) and they helped me as much as they could with everything. Also all the patients are so lovely.

I was afraid in case I wouldn’t like it, but I actually really did. It’s very rewarding and I like that the time flies by. Also I like how there is a routine. From half 8 to half 10 you get the patients their breakfast, washed and ready for the day. At quarter past 12 they have their dinner. Then at quarter past 4 they have their tea. I finished at 5 then while the other staff stayed until half 8 to get them ready for bed.

I was supposed to get 6 weeks work experience but due to Covid we were only able to get 3 weeks, so I asked could I go in on Saturdays to gain more hours and they said that that was fine. So now I go every Saturday to get more experience.

So I enjoyed my time there and the patients are so cute and lovely, so saying good morning to them, helping them get ready and having a chat is something I always look forward to.

Hopefully now I’ll be able to get a job after my course ends!
